Justin McGuire
Director of Technology
Technology is more than a job; it’s my passion. Few things get me more excited than seeing how new and emerging technologies are helping businesses to accomplish their goals and make a better and longer-lasting connection with their customers. Living in both the worlds of today and tomorrow allows me to help clients get the most out of current technology for short term goals and to help clients develop long term strategies to grow their business in the future.
Dinosaurs believe in me therefore I believe in me.
– Me
Philanthropy & Service
- Ridgewater Career Day Presenter
- Xcelerate Leadership Team
- Hutchinson Park and Rec Youth Sports Sponsor
- RiverSong Music Festival Volunteer
- Hutchinson Chamber of Commerce Leadership Institute
- StoryBrand Certified Guide
Fun Facts
- I moved around the country every 3 – 4 years and even spent a stint in Germany while growing up.
- I drink more coffee than anyone I’ve ever met, and I’m pretty sure I’m immune to caffeine at this point.
- I met my wife in 9th grade weight lifting class.
- I’m a Stock Photo Guru