Shannon Streich
Marketing Strategist
Being a Hutchinson native, I have been fortunate enough to be able to return to Hutchinson and raise my family in this great ‘hometown community’. For many years, I have enjoyed being able to design pieces for a number of the businesses that make up this community. I enjoy designing because it is both challenging and very rewarding. Assisting Vivid Image clients with building a strong brand identity is important to me, as it’s an especially important way to help them get noticed and a path to build loyal customers. I also have extensive experience in newspaper and print design.
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
– Scott Adams
Philanthropy & Service
- Relay for Life McLeod County Volunteer
- Hutchinson Park and Rec Youth Sports Sponsor
- Central United Rush Soccer
- Youth for Christ Volunteer
- Hutchinson Main Street 2020 Committee Volunteer
- Hutchinson Leadership Institute Graduate
- StoryBrand Certified Guide
- YEXT Certified Professional
- Constant Contact Certification
Fun Facts
- I love to travel. I have been to more than 15 different countries and 15 states.
- I designed the label and control knobs for products such as the Salad Shooter and Fry Daddy when I worked at National Presto.
- I was the first person to ever ride the roller coaster at the Mall of America. True story – my dad worked the granite and marble work when building the Mall of America. They opened Camp Snoopy to the worker’s families one night prior to it being opened to the public. My sister and I were the first two people to get on the roller coaster and sat in the front car for the very first time that they allowed people to ride it.