LinkedIn for Small Business: Do It the Right Way!

Are you using LinkedIn to its fullest potential for your small business? Are you even using it at all? If not, now is the time to learn how to make the most of this powerful platform. In this class, we'll show you how to use LinkedIn to grow your business and reach more customers. Don'tContinue Reading

Simplified Video Creation: Recording to Publishing

Do you keep hearing that your business needs to start putting videos out on social media, but you’re unsure where to start? This course is perfect for you! You'll learn how to record videos that will grab attention and keep viewers engaged, as well as find out what platforms your videos will perform best on.Continue Reading

Crash Course: Social Media Marketing

It's 2023, and social media continues to be a powerful resource to boost your marketing. But you’re busy, right? There are only so many hours in the day to DIY. Enter: the Crash Course! We're giving away some of our best-kept secrets and shortcuts that will help you expand your efforts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram,Continue Reading