Beth Donates to The Bridge for Youth
Beth Gasser is an owner at Vivid Image, and she selected The Bridge for Youth to be the recipient of her $250 donation in November. The Bridge for Youth is a client of Vivid Image, and each year they hold a series of community celebrations. This past summer, Beth and her daughters (pictured at right) attended their commUNITY Juneteenth Celebration. “I connect deeply with The Bridge’s Vision. Everything they do echoes their values and focuses on equity for ALL youth. I believe the work they do is vital to our future,” Beth shares. If you’re interested in attending one of their 2024 events, you can learn more here.
Thank you Beth for your thoughtful selection this month.
Charitable giving is determined by our staff! Every month one or two Vivid Image team members select a non-profit that means a lot to them. $250 is granted to the non-profit of their choice. Then, throughout the year if staff choose to volunteer at least 25 hours of time, they select another non-profit to receive $250, and the staff member also receives $250 in recognition of their contribution to the community. By the end of this year we’ll have been able to make a difference in the lives of others by donating at least $5,000, and likely upwards of over $11,000!