Let’s Get Clear
Do you believe your website messaging is clear? Here’s a quick way to test that. Next time you are at a coffee shop, open your website and pass the laptop to the person sitting at the table next to you. Ask them to look over the website, but only give them 5-10 seconds to do so. At the end of it, ask them two questions. What problem does your business solve? And how do they get your solution? We call this “the grunt test”, meaning a caveman should be able to figure out your business easily.
It doesn’t matter how cute or clever your website copy is or how beautifully designed it is; if it isn’t clear, you are going to lose in the marketplace to a competitor with more clear messaging.
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Of course you want your site to be visually please, and it should! But, keep in mind that the average time users spend on a web page is about 52 seconds. So how do you keep them there longer and get them to scroll farther down the page?
The answer is to invite them into a story. Look back at your homepage again and position yourself as a potential customer. When you look at your website, does it speak to the problems a potential customer might be having? Or does it talk about how the company was founded many years ago by your great-grandfather? As someone who is so close to your business, those details can feel really important, but as a customer, that information isn’t meaningful until you draw them into your story.
StoryBrand Solves Problems
Great stories have captivated audiences’ attention for centuries through books, movies, fables, TikToks, and more. But how can you capitalize on that concept through your messaging?
Step One: Stop Making Yourself the Hero of the Story
There’s only room for one hero in the story, and your customer wants that role. So step aside, and take on the supporting role of the guide. Guide your customer through solving their problem with your business or product positioned as the solution. Give them the plan to get that solution, tell them how good life will be when they choose to work with you and give them a chance to see themselves in some of your other customers “just like them.”
By using the StoryBrand framework, our copywriters create messaging that makes your customers’ feel heard, clarifies how you solve their problems, and helps grow your business when you delight them with your solution. Take the free marketing assessment below and let us show you what you’re capable of!
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