Heidi Makes Donation to Hutchinson Music Boosters
Heidi Arndt is an Account Director at Vivid Image, and she has selected Hutchinson Music Boosters to be the recipient of her $250 donation in December. The Hutchinson Music Boosters support a comprehensive 5th-12th grade musical experience in concert band, marching band, jazz band, pit orchestra, pep band, Solo, and Ensemble. Heidi said “It is exciting to see my daughter, Hanna, find a love for music and performing. She started playing trumpet as a 5th grader and, as an 8th grader this year, was able to join the Hutchinson High School Marching Tigers. This has been a very valuable experience for her. I volunteered at multiple marching band events, and the hard work, determination, and gratitude the kids showed was impressive every time! I want to see the support for marching band, music and the arts continue to grow in Hutchinson, which is why I chose to donate to the Hutchinson Music Boosters.”
Kristal Donates to Hope House
Kristal Ehrke, Senior Account Director at Vivid Image, has selected Hope House in Excelsior, MN to be the recipient of her $250 donation in December. The Hope House is a 24/7 crisis shelter for youth in crisis currently working through an Expansion Project. Kristal said “ Too many teens face crisis situations with nowhere to turn. Hope House not only offers immediate shelter but also surrounds these young people with care, support, and, most importantly, hope. Their current expansion project will double their capacity to serve teens in crisis, making an even bigger impact in the Southwest Metro community. Supporting their mission deeply resonates with my belief that all young people deserve a chance to thrive in a nurturing environment.“
Charitable giving is determined by our staff!
Every month, one or two Vivid Image team members select a non-profit that means a lot to them. $250 is granted to the non-profit of their choice. Then, throughout the year, if staff choose to volunteer at least 25 hours of time, they select another non-profit to receive $250, and the staff member also receives $250 in recognition of their contribution to the community.
By the end of every year, we are able to make a difference in the lives of others by donating at least $5,000, and likely upwards of over $11,000!