Kristal Donates to Alzheimer’s Association of MN/ND
Kristal Ehrke is a senior account director at Vivid Image who saw firsthand what dementia and Alzheimer’s could do to a person and how the diagnosis and disease impact loved ones, family members, and especially caregivers in her previous career. Kristal selected Alzheimer’s Association of MN/ND as the recipient of her $250 donation in August. “Back in 2010, I became an Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Facilitator and established McLeod County’s first Memory Loss Caregiver Support Group. While my volunteering for that has ended, I continue to be aware of the toll the disease can have – now impacting my very own loved one and family members. Finding a cure has always been near and dear to my heart. This donation will no doubt help continue to raise awareness and one day, hopefully, find a cure.”
Karlie Donates to Children’s Home Society & Lutheran Social Services
Karlie Mosher is a senior graphic designer at Vivid Image who has made donations to Children’s Home Society & Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota previously. CHLSS has a long history of providing care and finding families for children and is the recipient of Karlie’s $250 donation in August. “I chose this organization to donate to because I was adopted through Lutheran Social Services/CHLSS. They recognize and honor that families are formed in many ways, and I love that we get to work with them.” CHLSS is a long-time client of Vivid Image; we help them with their website and online marketing.
Thank you Karlie and Kristal for your thoughtful selection this month.
Charitable giving is determined by our staff! Every month one or two Vivid Image team members select a non-profit that means a lot to them. $250 is granted to the non-profit of their choice. Then, throughout the year if staff choose to volunteer at least 25 hours of time, they select another non-profit to receive $250, and the staff member also receives $250 in recognition of their contribution to the community. By the end of this year we’ll have been able to make a difference in the lives of others by donating at least $5,000, and likely upwards of over $11,000!