We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the pets of Vivid Image that bring excitement, enthusiasm, the occasional frustration, and continual laughter to our lives!

Yoda & Wicket
Yoda and Wicket are two French Bulldogs who have clearly mastered the Force… of relaxation. They’re experts at finding the most comfortable spot on the couch and staying there for hours (unless a tasty treat is involved, in which case they move with surprising speed). But don’t be fooled by their lazy ways, these two are always up for a good snorting session and love to shower their humans with affection. Yoda & Wicket’s human is Karissa Gumbusky, Digital Solutions Specialist

Chevy is a playful cat who loves to get into trouble both day and night. This mischievous kitten’s antics might keep you on your toes, but his cuddles and purrs make every moment with him truly special. Chevy’s human is Katie Schmidt, Graphic Designer.

Juni is a sweet and snuggly golden retriever puppy with an endless curiosity for the world around her. Whether she’s exploring new places or soaking up affection, her playful and loving nature makes her a joy to be around! Juni’s human is Katie Schmidt, Graphic Designer.

Kane is a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. His favorite hobbies include long naps on the couch, treats, and squeaky toys – in that order. When he’s not napping, he is playing princess dress up with his five year old human and cleaning up her cheerios that she dropped on the floor. He is the best boy! Kane’s human is Kate Cooper, Administrative Assistant

This is Obi. Yoda and Wickets feline housemate, Obi, is a master at finding new and creative ways to wake you up in the middle of the night (who needs an alarm clock when you have a cat?), and despite a half-full food bowl, he insists his humans are starving him if it is not full to the brim. Obi doesn’t like photos. Obi’s human is Karissa Gumbusky, Digital Solutions Specialist

Nelli is a Huksy mix who is a little camera shy, very friendly, and loves a good belly rub. Her favorite toys are squeaky stuffies that she likes to play tug with and whip around the living room. She is a rescue pup who is finding the joys of her new home and enjoys relaxing on the couch pillows at the end of the day. Nelli’s human is Karlie Mosher, Senior Graphic Designer

Izzy & Lyla
Izzy and Lyla are sisters who couldn’t be more opposite in personalities. Izzy is a shy snuggler, and Lyla is full of endless energy. They love spending time by Justin while he’s working. Their human is Justin McGuire, Directory of Technology

Cooper, Bonnie, Flora & Freddie
We like to joke that Cooper needs a new custody lawyer because Bonnie, Flora and Freddie are all his offspring. When this crew of Deutsch Drahthaars isn’t out on guided (or unguided) hunting adventures, they can be found wrestling for the best toy in the house or curled up on the slew of dog beds that occupy every room. This crew’s human is Britt Buxcel, Content Marketing Strategist

Meet Smokey! She loves exploring during the day but becomes a homebody at night. Smokey enjoys sitting by windows and, as a master of cat naps, is always looking for the coziest spots to snooze. Curling up in a lap under the covers is her favorite way to end the day. Smokey’s human is Ciera Conrad, Content Marketing Strategist

Leah is a Spaniel/Hound Mix who captures everyone’s attention with her unique look and loving nature. On walks, she eagerly waits for every passerby to say hello and give her pets. Leah adores her “big” sister Smokey and can usually be found following her everywhere she goes. Leah’s human is Ciera Conrad, Content Marketing Strategist

Roxie & Mable
Roxie is the smallest dog you’ll ever meet. It’s nearly impossible to ride a four wheeler, mow the lawn or do anything without her on our lap. Mable is a cat who has no problem interrupting anything we’re doing for a few pets and snuggles. Roxie and Mable’s human is Cegi Wassman, Account Director

Walter is very good at hiding and makes it obvious that he only loves our daughter, Miya. Walter’s human is Miya Cegi Wassman, Account Director

Hazel is afraid of everyone, even if she has met you 100 times before. But, Beware – She is willing to steal anyone’s pillow while they’re asleep. Hazel’s human is Cegi Wassman, Account Director

Lucy is a German Shorthaired Pointer who is high-energy and constantly on the move! She loves being outside in all kinds of weather. Lucy loves a good game of fetch, going for walks, and is passionate about hunting all sorts of animals; her brother Fozzy the cat, mice, squirrels, snakes, and, most of all, pheasants. Lucy’s human is Kristal Ehrke, Senior Account Director

Milo is a German Shorthaired Pointer with a very big personality. His favorite thing is to go for rides on the side-by-side and can usually be found sitting on the driver’s seat ready to go. Milo loves chasing cats and birds and has an amazing talent for shredding blankets into long thin strips. Milo’s human is Shannon Streich, Graphic Designer

Abe is a 90 pound chocolate lab who thinks he’s a lap dog. He is happiest in a truck, boat, or running around the farm and loves when mom sneaks him food under the table (shh… don’t tell dad). Abe’s human is Lindsey Schwecke, Account Director

Lucy & Flower
Lucy & Flower are siblings who typically spend their day cuddling and destroying the toilet paper rolls in the house. Their favorite toys are hair bands & Q-tips. Flower is a “liquid cat” who is comfortably and easily squeezed into small spaces. Lucy wants to be friends with everyone. Their human is Amanda Caven, Digital Marketing Strategist

Goldie, Whitey, Dude, Kashlee, Big Murray, and too many to name
These goldfish, straight from Walmart, are avid swimmers. While they winter in the warmer temps of the house, fish spend their summers outside in the pond. There were originally only four fish, and there are now 28. Their human is Deanna Schwint, Programmer

Meika is an American Eskimo who loves to chew on everything & prefers cat toys over dog toys. She demands all the attention & loves apples. Her owners love snuggling with her, but the puppy instincts won’t allow her to chill out for very long. Meika’s human is Amanda Caven, Digital Marketing Strategist

Otis & Wilson
Otis, who is lovingly referred to as “shut-up-you-stupid-cat” spends his time meowing and eating. His expertise includes letting himself out the dog door to lounge in the backyard. Wilson, the Wonder Dog is a Wheaton Terrier who loves coming to Vivid Image and chasing the cat. Wilson only has one ear and is skilled at deciphering between cheap and expensive shoes to chew. Their human is Kori Sanders, Vice President

Runty & Big Guy
Big Guy is such a good cat and has a strong preference for Beth. Runty is a naughty cat who has made a sport of tipping over water glasses and licking people while they sleep. She snores loudly and has a propensity of climbing in the shower with humans when she hears the water running. Her favorite past-time is sitting with her mouth under a facet catching water drops. Runty prefers Steve. Their humans are Steve & Beth Gasser, Owners

Francis is a very social cat whose family saw him on the Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter website and brought him home. His recent habit of chewing charging cords is not a good vice to have. Francis’s human is Heidi Arndt, Account Director

Daisy is a very lovable Pug! She adores being around her humans and wants to play with any dog she meets. Daisy tries to play with Francis the cat, but Francis isn’t normally up for playing. She is happiest getting belly rubs, snuggling, and enjoying a treat. Daisy’s human is Heidi Arndt, Account Director

Bailey is a high-energy mini-golden doodle with an inclination to bark at every dog that comes on the TV. Due to this behavior, her owners can tell you that 99% of movies, television shows, and commercials contain dogs. Bailey’s favorite toy is her giant loaf of bread seen pictured with her here. Bailey’s human is Jillian Gasser, daughter of Steve & Beth Gasser, Owners

Gizmo, whose exact pedigree is unknown, was adopted from the Humane Society a number of years ago. Gizmo is gearing up to run for POTUS. Gizmo’s humans are Beth & Steve Gasser, Owners

Tank is a Shorkie fashionista who loves to ignore his name as much as possible, but give immediate attention to the word “treat’. He’s stubborn, prone to steal items, and has been known to bury bits of bagel in the couch on numerous occasions. Tank’s human is Beth Gasser, Owner (Steve’s not forced to claim ownership of this one)