Do you know the rules behind using images and graphics from the web? How about the differences between a copyrighted photo and one under a Creative Commons license? I would like to introduce you to a two part series on using images found on the Internet. The information applies taking an image you find online and posting on social media, your blog, or any other marketing materials. Let's start Continue Reading
Free Fonts and Graphics Guidance in Today’s World
Right now we are all navigating some interesting times that are possibly requiring your businesses to operate a little different (or maybe a lot different). This may include needing to help with your marketing or pulling in someone at your organization who hasn't worked with it as much. If this is something you have had somebody else doing for a period of time, there may be a few things to be Continue Reading
What’s a Mobile First Website?
If you have watched your Google Analytics in the past few years, you may be seeing the trend of mobile users on the rise. In most cases, the majority of website traffic now comes from mobile devices. Because mobile traffic has, and continues to increase, the way we approach website design also changes. Over half of website traffic now comes from mobile devices! When you compare the size of Continue Reading
Branding: The Elements of an Identity Kit
Have you ever encountered inconsistent branding? Your brand is one of the most important things in your company; it is how the world identifies you. While branding isn't just about your logo, it still plays a key part in helping people easily recall your brand. You should always be protecting and monitoring the use of your logo and branding elements. It’s when things aren’t unified and Continue Reading
How to Organize Content
We were recently reminded of a great blog post that Karlie, Vivid Image designer wrote a while back that can be very helpful to clients on how to organize content when publishing new blog posts and/or updating old ones. There are a lot of fun pieces of functionality built into your website from heading tags to accordions. One thing to keep in mind is that all of your content needs to be Continue Reading