Millions of businesses look to Facebook to help grow their customer communities, but what happens when something goes wrong? Are you prepared for how to handle blunders?
Some advice to help you on Facebook:
- Fear will stunt your business and prevent you from opportunities others are seizing right now. Spending all your time fearful of every negative scenario possible prevents you from moving forward into proper planning and implementation of social marketing that is here to stay.
- Small businesses have a clear advantage when it comes to Facebook. Small businesses have the opportunity of knowing a greater percentage of their fans personally and/or having face-to-face conversations with their customers whom they connect with online. Remember this the next time you find yourself concerned that you only have 280 “Likes” on Facebook as compared to 2,000 or 20,000.
- Correct information is key to using social media tools to your advantage.While viral information can be helpful, it can also lead to misinformation, paranoia, and even scams. If you see information being posted by multiple friends, it’s best to check it out before following suit.
- Having the right partners to help your business with social media and deciphering the barrage of information is a life saver. The right social media partners and reputable sources will help you properly use tools, take advantage of new options, and be aware of critical changes that can effect how you administer your fan pages.
- Eyes and Ears at All Times! Social networking doesn’t sleep. The beauty of Facebook is its global reach encompassing all time zones and people according to their preferences. That means when your office hours end at 5pm, your fan page hours continue representing your business while you go home for supper. The use of smart phones and mobile devices, help you and your staff be “on” as often as possible. While you can’t spend every waking minute on Facebook, you should develop a habit at regular intervals of checking for customer comments that need immediate attention.
- Select your admins wisely for they are the face of your company. Your admins will prevent blunders and rectify situations quickly. Give them the tools they need to do a good job.
Who is there to answer your questions and provide you with timely accurate information? If you haven’t followed Vivid Image on Facebook yet, what are you waiting for? Post your questions, read the latest info, and see what other small businesses are doing to get the most out of Facebook.