Some people have the misconception that the landing page destination you set for your ads doesn’t really matter, and that performance is only driven by what’s set within the Google Ads platform itself. This is simply not true. In fact, it matters quite a lot.
Why Content Makes a Difference
Good content plays an important role and will have a positive affect on your Google Ads performance. On the flip side, poor content will likely create negative affects and prevent your ads from performing as well as they otherwise could. It is important to send your Google Ads users to highly relevant, useful content that has a clear call to action and good user experience. It’s also very important that your content is optimized for the keywords that are bringing that traffic to your landing page. Not only will Google will be able to recognize if your destination page is optimized well for the terms you’re bidding on, but users will also greatly benefit from this as they’ll be able to easily tell that they landed in the right spot and that it is relevant to their query. If the content doesn’t match their query, they’re likely going to leave your site and find something that is a better fit.

How Great Content Improves Your Ad Performance
When Google recognizes that your landing page content matches the search queries and ad content well, your quality scores improve. When quality scores improve, it contributes to a higher ad rank. A higher ad rank will increase the chances that your ad will achieve a higher ad position, heighten your ad auction eligibility, potentially lower your costs per click, and improve the likelihood that your ad is eligible to show ad extensions which typically lead to a higher click through rate. YEAH!!!
Now as you can see, good content really does have a positive affect on your Google Ads! Ensuring that your landing page content is the best fit for your Google Ads traffic will help improve overall ad performance, which in turn will ultimately help you generate more conversions. This is why our clients will hear us say “we’ve got to add more content around these keywords.” And now you know!
Need Our Help?
Whether you’d like to try Google Ads or are in need of a good landing page to drive your traffic to, Vivid Image is here to help. Get started now!