Is your Linkedin account feeling a little bit quiet? Are you looking to build your personal brand or company brand, but are not sure how to do it on Linkedin? Here is a daily method of Linkedin marketing for social selling that will help you maximize your Linkedin connections, and turn them into customers or partners rather than just connections. Try this everyday for a month, and let us know what results you get!
Before Beginning (Get Prepared)
Identify a list of 20-30 people that you would like to reconnect or connect with. These could be clients you would like to work with more, past colleagues you haven’t talk to in a while, or maybe people you would like to establish a connection with.
- Develop a list of possible talking points that would work for most of the contacts that you want to connect with. Invite a conversation. What challenges are they having with their business, marketing, leadership, or XYZ topic? Of course, every conversation would be different, but you can have key talking points to fall back on.
- Schedule time on your calendar for the next 30 days to dedicate to Linkedin marketing and outreach.
- Review your Linkedin newsfeed and find at least 5 stories to not just like, but comment on. When appropriate, tag other people or companies who may be interested in that story.
- Post a status update, photo, or LinkedIn article, ask a question, or share another person’s article or status with a customized post.
- Respond to connection requests, comments on posts, and respond to Monday’s conversation starters.
Monday – Reconnect/Start Conversations
Identify 5 people from the list you created to reconnect with. These could be people who you have established trust within the past, but have not conversed with in some time. Visit their Linkedin profile to see if you can identify what’s new with them or other talking points. Send a message to them to start a conversation.
Tuesday – Make New Connections
Find 5-10 new people to connect with and send a connection request with a personal note on the invitation. Use the Linkedin filters to find:
– 2nd Connections
– People at certain companies
– Click on “All Filters” for more advanced search
– People in a certain industry or a target industry
– Connections to a certain individual
Wednesday – Share the Love / Say Thanks
- Give a recommendation to someone you enjoyed working with, or say “Thank You” to someone who has helped you out. The thank you could be as a private message or a status update/shout-out.
- Post to your company’s Linkedin page with a blog post, photo, or shout out to a client, colleague, or employee.
- Find a customer or colleague’s personal Linkedin page, or a co-worker’s article or status update to comment, like or share to build momentum within your group and share exposure.
Thursday – Participate in Groups
- Review your Linkedin Groups. See if there are new groups that would be good to join.
- Review the posts in the groups to see if you can answer questions, provide insight, or make new connections.
- Post something helpful in at least one of your groups. Be careful to not make posts to sales-orientated, but rather something helpful or insightful that will create conversation.
Friday – Catch Up
- When people accept your connection request, respond to them to say “Thank You”. It can be a great time to start a conversation from the beginning.
- Follow up on any needed conversations from earlier in the week.
- Review your Linkedin profile to see how it could be improved to express a better message of who you are and what you do.
- Think about other ways you can use Linkedin for social selling.
Linkedin is a powerful networking and sales tool with unlimited potential. You just need to put the time into it on a regular basis! If you have questions about your Linkedin marketing, or other social media marketing, give us a call at 320-587-8974.