No more questioning if online listings are important for your business’ success. Your clients are looking for companies just like yours, and they will pick a company whose information is easy and quick to find. Listings on Apple Maps, Google, car GPS, and home devices like Alexa and Siri are a crucial part of this. Still not completely convinced to get your online listings set up? Here are 5 Continue Reading
How Long Should a New Website Be Expected to Last Me?
Wouldn't it be nice if every new thing we purchased stayed pristine and never wore out, especially larger ticket items like cars, homes, and websites? Proper maintenance helps a ton, but the fact is everything has parts that need to be replaced at some point. When it comes to a website, the parts include all kinds of things that get outdated faster now than ever. In years past, it was common to Continue Reading
Lindsey Designates $250 to Charity
Lindsey Donates to Dancing Like the Stars Lindsey is an account director at Vivid Image, and she selected Paul and Heather Wright, contestants on Dancing Like the Stars as the recipient of $250 in March. Dancing Like the Stars is a fundraiser for 2B Continued, a non-profit benefiting suicide prevention and mental health awareness! Paul and Heather are clients of Vivid Image and Continue Reading
Justin Designates $250 to Charity
Justin McGuire is a programmer at Vivid Image, and he selected Relay for Life of McLeod County as the recipient of $250 in February. Relay for Life is an annual community-based fundraiser for the American Cancer Society. Every year volunteers sell luminary bags in honor of or in memory of loved ones with cancer. Thousands of bags are lit along a path that event participants walk for hours to raise Continue Reading
The Pets of Vivid Image
We wanted to take a moment to introduce you to the pets of Vivid Image that bring excitement, enthusiasm, the occasional frustration, and continual laughter to our lives! Nelli Nelli is a Huksy mix who is a little camera shy, very friendly, and loves a good belly rub. Her favorite toys are squeaky stuffies that she likes to play tug with and whip around the living room. She is a rescue Continue Reading
Use Email Marketing to Reach More Customers
Email marketing can be a more powerful tool to keep your customers informed on what is new for your business, build brand loyalty and be a great way to stay top of mind than ever before. Follow these steps to reach more customers with email 1. Keep Loyalty Many people are having to shift priorities and try new brands due to availability, staffing issues, convenience, or simply a lack Continue Reading