As brand consistency is important to represent your company's print materials and ads, it is also important to maintain consistent branding on your website. CSS, also called Cascading Style Sheets or Style Sheets for short, is a programming code used to format the layout, colors, and fonts of your website’s basic branding. It determines how these visual elements are displayed on your site, giving Continue Reading
Pages vs Posts
Content is incredibly important on your website for a variety of reasons. Not only does content help your prospects and customers find what they need, it gives search engines the information necessary to decide how to rank you and when to serve up your website as the best result to someone searching. Sometimes WHERE you place content can be just as important. People and search engines need to Continue Reading
Understanding Website Accessibility
Removing the Barriers Focus on making your business accessible to all people, in all ways. Accessibility requirements are moving away from the idea of helping people with disabilities find a solution to fit their specific need, and focusing more on removing barriers. If you can determine what things within your business/website may be causing a barrier, finding ways to remove them Continue Reading
How to Organize Content
We were recently reminded of a great blog post that Karlie, Vivid Image designer wrote a while back that can be very helpful to clients on how to organize content when publishing new blog posts and/or updating old ones. There are a lot of fun pieces of functionality built into your website from heading tags to accordions. One thing to keep in mind is that all of your content needs to be Continue Reading