Calls To Action are critical to help your business reach goals and measure the effectiveness of your online presence. It's important that you choose clear CTA's and place them strategically within your site. Calls to Action help create a sense of urgency, and guide the user to take a specific next step resulting in a conversion that meets or exceeds the goals you Continue Reading
The Elusive Website Address
Is finding your website, similar to pinning down Bigfoot? Elusive website addresses aren't good. You spend too much time on building, launching, and updating your website for it not to be used, found or remembered. Sometimes it seems logical where you need to list your website, and other times it takes a reminder checklist to make sure some place important doesn't get missed.The following list is Continue Reading
What is a Landing Page?
Even if you have a rocking website, you may want to consider driving some targeted web traffic to a landing page instead of always to your homepage. A landing page can allow you to give a specific audience a targeted message about the product line or unique offer that they are most interested in, while generating leads, and giving you measurable results of your marketing efforts. Marketer, Continue Reading
Links and Republishing Articles: Can I Republish an Article?
Can I republish an article on my website? We commend you for asking this question, as it’s critical to pay close attention to copyrights and follow proper Internet marketing protocol. Here are the most common questions people have about posting content on their own websites. Links: A link is defined as using another website URL in your content to direct your users to another page on the Continue Reading
Ten Reasons to Blog
Why Blog? In a nutshell, blogging is adding fresh, relevant content to your website on a regular basis. Feel like you are in an industry where "nobody is blogging"? This is not an excuse for you to follow suit, but an opportunity to stand out to your customers, prospects, stakeholders, and search engines! Reasons to Start a Company Blog Now: There are so many great reasons to blog! But Continue Reading
If You’re Using an Image You Found on the Web, You’re Stealing
Do you know the rules behind using images and graphics from the web? How about the differences between a copyrighted photo and one under a Creative Commons license? I would like to introduce you to a two part series on using images found on the Internet. The information applies taking an image you find online and posting on social media, your blog, or any other marketing materials. Let's start Continue Reading